6th Dec 2024, Manchester VENUE
6th Dec 2024, LIVE & ONLINE

Live and Online

If you are not able to join one of our in-peron masterclasses then join Alex virtually. We will be bringing together our physical and virtual delegates into one live collaborative experience. Teachology Education has teamed up with award-winning technology and software provider Glisser to combine live video and interactive slide sharing so you can fully engage in the virtual masterclass and receive the same content and training live.

Please note the timings for this course are 9.45am - 3.20pm (same as physical course)

The price is £269 + VAT per person.

Click here to book today


  • 6th December 2024

Please note the price covers the license fee for one person. If you would like to invite other teachers please email chris@teachology.co.uk and we can apply a discount for two or more attendees.


Live & Online



07917 116 288
